Saturday 23 March 2013


It's the Earth hour. Let's save our planet, our house. Switch off the lights from 8:30 to 9:30.We can do it!

Listen to the sounds of nature. Which animal species can you hear?

Friday 22 March 2013


Today we did a Easter egg hunt at school. Primary 6 students with all the pre-primary children were finding different clues, following them and at the end they found what they were looking for, the chocolate eggs. It was a very exciting activity for the older and the younger students.The clues were in different places at the school ( the library, the English classroom, the 3,4,5-years-old classrooms, the pre-primary playground and the secretary's office). At the end all the groups (red, yellow, green, blue and orange) found and ate the eggs. Congratulations!!!
When they finished this egg hunt they went to the gym and played different games related to Easter.

THANK YOU EVERYONE: all the children (they were very nice and polite) and all the teachers:
Pedro for preparing all the games, having this good idea and cheering me all the time.
Begoña and Maria for being with their groups and look after them.
Alicia for buying the eggs and being with her group.
Angeles for preparing these beautiful Bunny baskets.
Oliva for cheering me and helping me to prepare the groups.
Marian for being with her group and taking the photos.
Loli for lending me the bunny costume.
Jose Mª for being patient because we were late to the next lesson.

Tuesday 19 March 2013


Lots of easter eggs are in our corridor, but there is one that it is special. Do you know why? Thank you Estela I like this egg very much.


Thank you Ana for sharing these fantastic Easter games. Visit Ana's blog. She's got lots of useful activities.

Sunday 17 March 2013


Listen about what people do on Easter holiday!


Thank you Belén Junquera for sharing this great lim!You can visit her blog Casa de tol@s

Friday 15 March 2013


On Wednesday and Friday we did this activity with Primary 5 and 6 students. Marian showed us how to do this mad lib. First in pairs or in groups we had to think and write places, adjectives, verbs, numbers,...
Then we filled the gaps in another sheet of paper. The mad lib was "How do I get there?". It was very funny when they read the final text.
Thank you Marian for creating this activity for us!

Thursday 14 March 2013


Listen to this song and try to fill in the gaps!

Then try to do this game!

Look at the photos, we played the game with Marian!

Thursday 7 March 2013


On Wednesday Primary 2 students had a healthy breakfast. They eat: the muffins they made the day before, cereals, yoghurt, toasts with butter and orange juice. They did a worksheet about the topic, they prepared the toast and the orange juice and then .... they ate everything!!!!


Primary 2 students made some muffins last Tuesday. It was a hard work but you can see that the result was great. They ate them on Wednesday when they eat a healthy breakfast. Thank you Loli for sharing this recipe with me. These muffins are delicious!