Wednesday 30 May 2012

Tuesday 29 May 2012


Colour the Olympic and Parolympic Mascots:


Colour the Olympic Logo:

Now colour the medals. Remember the fist one is gold, the second is silver and the third is bronze:

Monday 28 May 2012


This is Wenlock, the Olympic Games mascot. Click on its image and learn more about it.

This is Mandeville, the Paralympic Games mascot. Click on its image and learn more about it.

These two playful cartoon animations were said to be created from the last drops of steel left over from the construction of the final support girder for the London Olympic Stadium. The mascots were designed for children, to inspire them to be the best they can be. The design includes a single eye which is a camera to record all the things they do, and yellow lights on their heads (a homage to London's black taxis). The mascot Wenlock wears friendship bands in the colors of the Olympic rings, while Mandeville wears a timing device to track its personal best.
Wenlock, the mascot of the Olympic Games, is named after the English town of Much Wenlock, which inspired Baron Pierre de Coubertin to found the modern Olympic movement.
Mandeville, the mascot of the Paralympics, is named after the town of Stoke Mandeville, the birthplace of the Paralympic Games.

Now you can make the mascots the way you want. What sport are they going to practise?


Eurovision Song contest was celebrated las Saturday in Baku, Arzabaqijan. Sweden was the winner. Loreen is the singer, she sang in English and Euphoria is the title of the song.Spain was in the tenth position.
There were 42 countries and 24 sang in English. Don't you think english is important?

Monday 21 May 2012

Saturday 19 May 2012


On these days in the UK they are celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of Elizabeth II. The Queen celebrates 60 years as Monarch. Here you've got some information about the Queen, click on her image:

Monday 14 May 2012


The Galician Literature Day 2012 on May 17 is a holiday in Galicia. This year the Galician Royal Academy has decided to dedicate this day to Valentín Paz Andrade.Click on this image and learn about this writer.

Sunday 13 May 2012


World Recycling Day is on May 17th. Remember the importance of recycling and do it, please!
Recycle it Recycle it
If you think that you might just throw it away
Remember it can live to see another day
Recycle it Recycle it
Whatever you do don't throw it away
Make it live to see another day

Maybe it's a plastic bag
Maybe it's the Sunday Paper
Maybe it's the bottle that you drank your soda from
Or the wrapper on a stick of gum
Maybe it's a soup can
Maybe it's a jar of strawberry jam
Or the big container that holds your juice
It all can be put to another use


Maybe it's a plastic bag
Maybe it's the Sunday Paper
Mabye it's the bottle that you drank your soda from
Or the wrapper on a stick of gum
Maybe it's a soup can
Maybe it's a jar of strawberry jam
Or the big container that holds your juice
It all can be put to another use


Friday 11 May 2012

Wednesday 9 May 2012


Do you want to learn about the Olympic Games?
Click on these link:

Learn about the Ancient Games:


Learn about London Olympic Games 2012:


Monday 7 May 2012


Look at this photos about the Titanic! In all the levels we talked about this big ship, its journey, what happened,...We had two big posters with information, vocabulary, news and pictures in the corridor! It was very interesting! Thanks Loli, Jose Mª, Marian and all the teachers who helped with this project!

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This slideshow was made by Loli. Great job, Loli!

Friday 4 May 2012

Tuesday 1 May 2012