Thursday 21 May 2009


This year CPI Monte Caxado is celebrating its 25th birthday. It's a very important date for all the persons related to our school.
We want to sing the birthday song on this special day:

Monday 18 May 2009

Eurovision Song Contest 2009

This year the winner of Eurovision Song Contest was Norway (Noruega) and its singer was Alexander Rybak.The title of the song is Fairytale "Conto de fadas". Our country, Spain with Soraya, was the twenty-fourth and there were twenty-five countries! Perhaps next year we were lucky...
Listen and sing the winner's song:

Can you find verbs in past?

Thursday 14 May 2009


The Galician Literature Day 2009 on May 17 is a holiday in Galicia. This year the Galician Royal Academy has decided to dedicate this day to Ramón Piñeiro López (Armea-Lugo 1915, Santiago de Compostela 1990).
He created Editorial Galaxia when he was 35 years old and he was a member of the Galician Royal Academy.
Ramón Piñeiro wrote "Significado metafísico da saudade" (1951), "A
saudade en Rosalía" (1952) "Para unha filosofía da saudade"(1953), etc.

Monday 4 May 2009


Perhaps you know Susan Boyle. She went to a tv show in Britain called "Britain's got talent". She sang "I dreamed a dream" (soñei un soño).
At the beginning people laughed at her because of her physical appearance but at the end... Listen to her!

Remember! We can't consider a person because of his/her appearance. The important thing is in one's heart.(Non podemos xuzgar a unha persoa polo seu aspecto, o importante está no seu interior).
This is a very good example, isn't it?